Radha Mohan 1st July 2024 Written Update

Radha Mohan 1st July 2024 Written Update

Today's Radha Mohan episode starts with Yug saying Radhika didn't value his love and left him saying she is feeling suffocation by his love.

He adds, does it make even sense how can someone feel suffocation by his love and says that his love was true and her was a lie.

After that, he says that he was right and she was wrong that's why even god supported him after which the day Radhika left his life, he met Radha.

A flashback shown where Radha is crossing the road while Yug is coming there in car and his car hitting Radha after which he goes to check her then as he is about to go back to the car Radha holds his hand and asks him to not leave her as she is pregnant.

Back to the reality, Yug says to Poonam that he was going to call the doctor but Radha thinks he is leaving her thus she hold his hand and at that moment he felt something special.

He says that his Radhika left him but Radha hold his hand thus he understood that the god has sent her for him and wanted the moment to stop there.

Later, in the flashback Yug asks Radha to convince to come with him but Radha refuses then Yug tells her that he has come from the U.S today only with his wife and his mother and Dadi haven't even seen his wife also his Dadi has suffered two heart attacks thus if he'll tell them that his wife left him after coming there they won't be able to bear it.

Then, he says that Radha is also pregnant but she says that she can raise her child alone and Yug agrees to her but says that they can handle each other being together as friends.

He asks her to meet his family before taking any decision as he feels that they have met to help each other because they both are ditched by their partners.

After that, Radha comes to meet Yug's family as Radhika and Yug tells them about her pregnancy after which back to reality Yug says that he gave everything to Radha in those 7 years which he could have give her.

He adds, he didn't even touched Radha in the past years as he thought one day Radha will come to him herself but she is talking about leaving instead then he says he won't get betrayed again but will kill the person whoever will try to come in between them.

Further, Poonam says to him that Mohan is the problem between them thus they should have to oust him from Radha's life while Yug decides to kill him but Poonam asks him to oust him from the house instead of killing then Yug agrees.

Meanwhile, Poonam says she was never agree to sell that house due to that secret but Yug asks her to not talk about the secret.

The next morning, Mohan gets ready and takes a rose after which he sees Gungun trying to drive his car then he goes to stop her while Radha is about to go to the office when Yug offers to drop her but she strictly denied.

Later, Gungun is about to hit Radha losing control but Radha got saved and she hit on the wall instead after which Radha asks Gungun to not drive being an underage.

After Radha leaves Mohan also asks Gungun to not drive until she gets eligible for it then he says he is going and he would be late as he'll go to Vrindavan too.

Just then, Gungun sees a rose with Mohan and questions him then he tells her he'll go on a date which makes her happy after which Radha and Mohan meet at a road where Mohan makes a pose with the rose in front of Radha.

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