Bhagya Lakshmi 2nd July 2024 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 2nd July 2024 Written Update

Today's Bhagya Lakshmi episode starts with Rano warning Lakshmi that something big is going to happen and adds that human's intentions can be changed but here Neelam got completely changed which she wasn't after which she says that's why she is alerting her that there is nothing like it seems just then Dadi comes there after which Lakshmi and Rano greet her.

Meanwhile, Dadi remembers how she gave the bracelet to Lakshmi which was for Rishi and Lakshmi's daughter and gets emotional after which Rano questions her why she is emotional then some guests call Dadi so she goes to them.

She thanks them for calling her otherwise, she would've revealed the truth while Rohan asks Ayush to come to play with him after which Ayush says he'll play but won't dress up as a joker then Rohan insists him.

Just then, Rishi comes there and Ayush asks him to save him but Rishi sides with Rohan after which as they were going to play they bump on Lakshmi and Rano then Rohan asks Rano to play with him too while Ayush says that Rohan offers only those to play which he feels are young.

After that, they go to play while Rishi and Lakshmi casually talk with each other after which Rishi praises Lakshmi that she is a good human also she has given a very good upbringing to Paro with good values.

Further, he asks her about her husband's name but Lakshmi goes from there ignoring him while Rishi thinks he knows there is no husband and Lakshmi was always hims.

There, Shalu notices Lakshmi emotional and asks her the reason of it after which Lakshmi tells her that Rishi praised her the first time that she is a very mother thus she got emotional while Shalu says it's because Lakshmi deserves this praising but nobody did that yet.

She adds, that she knows Lakshmi matters a lot for Lakshmi while Lakshmi agrees then they go back to the party after which it's seen that Malishka has overheard it.

On the other hand, Rishi shares with Ayush that he is so happy that Lakshmi was always hims and didn't love anyone's else while Anushka instigates Malishka that Lakshmi is going to take over her rights in the house.

Further, Malishka dances with Rishi to make Lakshmi jealous while Rishi also dance with her for the same after which Lakshmi leaves being jealous then Neelam asks Malishka to not do anything until she makes an announcement.

There, Rano's health gets deteriorated after eating thus Shalu takes her to the hospital while Rishi insists Lakshmi to tell her husband's name but Lakshmi refuses to tell him getting irked.

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